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NT Motor Accidents

Compensation Commission


NT Motor Accidents

Compensation Commission

Return to work support

The sooner you return to work, the better your recover is likely to be.

Return to work capacity

The sooner you return to work, the better your recovery is likely to be.

Focus on staying or returning to work

Returning to work is an important part of your recovery and has many benefits for your health and wellbeing.

Being at work helps you to:

  • maintain your connections with the workplace and feel supported
  • return to your pre-injury activities and lifestyle and encourage your recovery by staying active
  • increase your confidence in managing your injury and give you a focus on ability rather than disability
  • minimise your risk of long-term disability
  • staying active in the workplace can prevent you from developing other health issues
  • support your participation, independence and social inclusions

It's important to get back to work as soon as it is safe for you to do so.   Often people build their capacity to work by working a shorter working day or performing lighter duties which gradually increases as they recover, rebuilding capacity to your pre-injury state.

MAC support

Your TIO MAC case manager will help you reconnect to your way of life before your accident as soon as possible. This includes returning to a work, capacity, whether it be with your previous employer or looking for a new job because getting back to work, in some capacity, is good for your mental and physical health and will help your recovery. 

Working together 

TIO MAC will work with your medical team and where appropriate, they will consult with a vocational rehabilitation provider to work with you on creating a return-to-work plan suitable for your abilities as your recovery progresses.

It is asked that you work with TIO MAC, your employer (where relevant) and your medical team to develop a personal plan for your recovery and capacity for work. 

This often includes attending a meeting where you, your TIO MAC case manager and your health providers discuss and develop the right plan for you. 

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Mental health and wellbeing 

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